ABS pump:
BMW 34516784157-01
Bosch 0265250215
Control module: DSC
Bosch 0265960326
Linked Vehicles:
BMW E60 E61
Condition: used, tested, fully functional.
Reference numbers:
34516784157, 3451-6784157
34526784159, 3452-6784159, E6X, 4WD
3451678415701, 3451-6784157-01, DSC
3452678415901, 3452-6784159-01, DXC
0265250215, 0265-250-215, 0-265-250-215
0265960326, 0265-960-326, 0-265-960-326
Anti-lock braking system(ABS): hydro, unit, control, module, hydraulic, ecu, controller, brake, bloc, actuator, pump, modulator.
If you know the original part number of the ABS pump, simply compare it with the one on this article page.
Once you have one of these part numbers listed in the title or description of this ABS pump, it is the ABS pump that you need (it is not necessary to compare all part numbers of a particular ABS pump).
If you are not sure whether the ABS pump fits your car because you do not have a part number, please let us know the chassis number of your vehicle by email or WhatsApp.
Then we use the chassis number to check whether the ABS pump can be used in your car.
The chassis number(VIN) consists of 17 characters and always ends with 6 numbers.
You can find the vehicle identification number of your car in the vehicle registration document.
Of course, you can also read the chassis number on the vehicle.
In newer cars, this is very often engraved in a field under the windshield.
But depending on the car manufacturer, this can also be found in the engine compartment, under the hood, in the door frame or on the dashboard.